Tako Pete Lati Parun Omodekunrin Afrika / Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Afrikan Boys
Eto pataki lati Juwanza Kunjufu ni eko omode Afrika A great lecture on teaching and/or raising (so called) black children.
Books by Kunjufu
Apa 1 / part 1
Kosheishe lati she eto omode ti eni ko feran, ti ko gbega, ti koye eni nipa iwapele, omode na.
You cannot teach a child if you do not love, do not respect, or do not understand the culture of, the child.
Five reasons for differences in test scores
1. Peer group
2. Parental support
3. Student self esteem
4. Culture bias in form of Curriculum/methodology,evaluation design
5. Teacher expectations and bias
Schools are more than educational. They are also social. Peer pressure works against because when black students are trying to do well in school, they are said to act 'white'.
Jackie Robinson syndrome of the token 'black; in any 'gifted and talented' set creates a lot of pressure on the single Afrikan child in the programme to be the authority on all 'black' issues.
Afrikan children have been made afraid of competing in academic activity and tending towards athletic competition. This is more so in integrated schools. Do more to promote academic competitions because competition sharpens the skills. Give big trophies to academic winners, not just small certificates. Train academic peer groups with martial arts, so they can get respect for their knowledge and fighting skills.
Peer groups work because they look like each other. Have a central role model programme and bring in Afrikan academic achievers into schools weekly or monthly. Gangs/Music/TV/video games used to infiltrate the peer group. Whose values are leaders of peer groups going to follow? Peer groups determine what kinds of clothes, music, etc.
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part 2
Parental Involvement and Support
Involvement is attending PTA meetings, selling raffle tickets. Support is going with your child to academic competitions, to the library, monitoring their peer group, TV viewing, etc. Use the oral tradition to get support. How to market the programme? Call the parents on the phone! 1000 flyers may generate 10 parents, but a personal invitation will generate 100 or more. Give the parents a workshop e.g. on their own development, on parent-child relationships, getting jobs, supporting child achievement, etc. Let the parents decide what the child workshops will be. Then give the child workshop. Emphasise interesting topics and charismatic teachers in order to leverage the oral tradition.
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part 3
what works? providing food, childcare, transport in poor neighbourhoods at night, having children perform. Afrikan parents have always trusted the teacher, but in the old days, the teacher was Afrikan. Now it may not. Worse, it may be a teacher black in skin, but white in consciousness.
High achieving homes
1. Parent give child hope and believe in a better tomorrow
2. Parent is consistent with the child
3. Parents compliment the child
4. Parent gives high expectations to the child
5. Parent belives they are the primary educator of the child
2 Stage Programme
stage 1: Establish goals for your child: e.g a) Spirituality b) Afrikan empowerment c)Employer and wealth creator
stage 2: Have a home programme/game plan/strategy for attainment of each goal for each child. The teacher can only give hope and control the process. Only the child can attain.
spirituality: when are the birthdays of the Afrikan heroes? imporatant festivals, cultures, foods?
empowerment: do they understand the processes and types of empowerment and disempolwerment? can they solve word problems with applied mathematics and critical thinking.
wealth: do they understand business methods and applications.
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part 3
Help your child establish identity.
Alex Haley asked his relatives "Who am I" and got six different answers: negro, black, African-American, African, American, coloured. You cannot help a child if he does not know who he is.. Chinese have China. Germans have Germany. There is no land for negros, blacks, African-Americans or coloureds. Only Africa and America are lands and so can be identified with.
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part 4
Book: Great Negroes Past and Present.
Kunjufu asks "What happened to a people who built pyramids and how live in projects? Who were the first to read and write in hieroglyphics yet can now not read or write" If you start the history of Africans in America in year 1619, they were then in plantations and will end their history in ghettos / prisons. But if you start the African history 4000 or 4 million years ago, they start with the pyramids and end up free (and first in the world).
Content matters. It is not enough to mention names, events and dates. You must connect the past with the present and future. What mistakes were made so they can be corrected.
Difference between who you are: African, Mexican, Irish/European and where you are from: the country of passport.
Self Belief: comes from 1) spirituality, 2) parents, 3) teachers, 4) Ethnicity/Race, 5) Personal talents. Racial identity comes from feeling good about your physical attributes: skin colour, hair, facial features etc. The older children are in USA, the more they have negative body image and self-esteem. This is because we allow others to determine what standards of beauty are. ==link to google video: A Girl Like Me==. Racism is a sign of insecurity. Many African women cannot swim because they are afraid their hair will go 'bad'. The real damage to self-esteem is now being done within the black community: I dont want my child to have 'nappy' hair. Children who have never seen their fathers or mothers with natural hair (father shaves clean, mother fries /attaches long)
Book: Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South. by Kenneth Stampp
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part 5
A truly multicultural Curriculum will put an event at the centre, and then enable perspectives from the different ethnicities/races. Africans will say slavery nearly destroyed African families and nationhood. Europeans will say slavery was good for USA.
Some researchers say people with colour think better with right side of the brain associated with music and creativity while people who lack colour think better with left side of the brain associated with analytics, maths. Who then does the teaching style of rote learning affect child education?
There are five ways of communicating ideas in the classroom: 1) written (left brain) and right-brain communication styles of 2) oral, 3) pictures, 4) fine arts and 5) artefacts. Most schools use an exclusively written format for teaching, particularly in left-brain subjects such as math, sciences and engineering.
Teacher Expectations matter more for student achievement (TESA) than any other school-related factor. Teacher expectations of student achievement affected by 5 factors:
1) Race/Ethnicity of child 2) Income of child 3) Gender of child 4) Appearance of child 5) Parental support
TESA measures 1) number of response opportunities given to each child 2) feedback may be used as self-fulfilling prophecy as high-achieving students given multiple opportunities to get the correct answer 3) personal regard and reponsibility: let the child learn rather than spoon-feed it. You either love a child or you don't. What happens if the teacher does not associate with the child?
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part 6
What makes effective schools? 1) strong leadership in the principals should be a coach. 2) teacher expectation. In low achieving schools, the lowest point is usually the teacher tea room "You cannot help these children!". 3) time on tasks. Teachers need time to finish tasks. What happens if educational time is taken by excessive testing?
There are 3 different types of adults in the classrooms
1)instructors deal only with subject matter. They deliver it and the students are supposed to take it. High teacher drop-out rates mean that instructors dominate in higher levels of education system.
2) teachers deal with subject matter and learning styles. they mix left and right brain.
3) coaches deal with subject matter, learning styles as well as motivation and self-esteem.
Stop telling young people to get a good education without telling them for what, or telling them to work hard without educating them to work on creating jobs. Do not tell them to get a good job so they can earn money. They know they can earn money in drugs, crime, sport, or entertainment without apparently getting a good education or working hard. Emphasise the development of talents and creating work from harnessing talents.
4 questions: 1) When did it start? 2) Who is behind the conspiracy? 3) Why is there a conspiracy? 4) What is the conspiracy?
The conspiracy is to destroy black boys, not black men or women. 1.03 boys born for every girl. But 18 years later, there are 1.0 available men for every 1.8 women. The rest are in prison, dead, homosexual (1 in 9 men), institutionalised in hospitals or mental institutions, or in inter-racial marriages.
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part 7
What happens in the 4th grade. Black boys may be the best students nationally up to end of 3rd USA grade, but drop to bottom of racial achievement by end of 7th USA grade!!
The three ages of learning: a) 0 - 9 years b) 9 - 13 years c) 13 - 18 years
USA under Reagan spent per capita USD2,300 on age 0-9 education, but USD36,000 on imprisonment.
One key reason for 4th grade fall is lack of father participation. IT TAKES A MAN TO RAISE A MAN. Other contributing factors is downward involvement of parents even as peer pressure increases. 60% of female single-parent homes, no positive father-figures on TV/multimedia, no progressive programmes in church with its female-oriented-white-Jesus misinformation, schools with 85 - 95% early stage female teacher populations. so child looks to peer group for identity.
1 million 'black' men want Michael Jordan's job -> 400,000 will get into junior basketball -> 4,000 into college basketball -> 35 into the NBA -> 7 start a game. The average NBA career is 4 years. A 7-in-a-million chance for a 4 year career! But the conspiracy goes beyond NBA, even schools give more glory to sports teams than academic schools. The why for conspiracy is to stop competition against Yurugu male supremacy.
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part 8
Active conspirators and what they stand for:
1) Reagan. 2) Rockefeller at the Trilateral Commission, 3) Casper Weinberger whose military recruits 33% AA and 41% died in Vietnam, yet AA are only 12% of USA population; 4) Godfather: USA can patrol its borders, yet cannot prevent drugs being smuggled into the country and the black community. 5) Media e.g Different Strokes, Webster, Santa Christmas that portrays only a 'white' father can be a good father for 'black' children.
Also complicit are passive conspirators: the black women and females who 'raise' their daughters and 'love' their sons. Kathy who will do anything for a man and Willie who does not feel good about himself.
Europeans make up 20% of world population, they are the minority population, yet want to control the affairs of the world. Of the 4.5 billion people alive (at the time of Kunjufu' presentation) 1 billion lived in China, 800 billion African (500 million continental, 160 million in Caribbean and South Americas, 40 million in the USA). The only way a minority can win is by controlling the mind of the majority.
Suicide levels: Euro em. Afro men, Euro women, Afro women
Lifetime: Euro women 77 years, Afro women 75 years, Euro men 66 years, Afro men 64.5 years.
1-in-3 marriages end in divorce because the socio-economic base for marriage has shifted.
In the agricultural age: extended family, in the industrial age: nuclear family, in the digital age: single adults.
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part 9
The rumour is that "Some mothers raise their daughters and love their sons". Sons are future husbands and fathers and have to be raised that way. Teach them to cook, wash after themselves, take care of others, about the responsibilities of teenage pregnancy. Mama's Boys become Baby-fathers. They are sons that are not raised properly.
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part 10
83% female teachers at the USA elementary grade. 'Black' children make up 17% of student population, and 24% of special needs education, of which 85% are 'black' boys! Do the 'white' female teachers understand the needs of boys in general or 'black' boys in particular?
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part 11
Countering the conspiracy at home
1) Be aware of the what, who, why and how of the conspiracy
2) Admit that it affects your family
3) identify Afrikan male role models within or beyond the child's immediate family
4) Contract with the role model on the deliverables of the mentoring relationship
5) Develop fine motor skills in the boys: use of pencils, scissors and other precision skills. Not just trucks and footballs
6) Have a non-sexist household.
7) teach sex education before the age 12 when children start experimenting
8) monitor peer group. Invite them to your house and get to know them.
9) monitor TV/internet/ gaming
10) Listen to your child
Countering the conspiracy in schools
1) Be aware
2) More teachers or drop-in Afrikan role models in the schools
3) More glory to academic than athletic activities
4) More right-brain activities.
5) Blend scout skills with big brother role model into SIMBA (young lion). Simba is a rights-of-passage community action programme which has chapters across USA.
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