Thursday, May 29, 2008

Akolo Ogbon Ni Wahala Nigeria/Africa.

Low Applied Intelligence Is Cause Of Nigeria/Africa Non-Progress

Posted to NVS

I am voting for LOW APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. I think the IQ is same as the rest of the world, but, as I have had occasions to ask on NVS, "what is the point of intelligence if it is not being used intelligently".. All the other factors mentioned in the questionaire, and more besides,can be resolved by a people who are thinking properly.

[B]The people of the country, and the broader Afrikan community, are in a state of intense spiritual, psychological and/or intellectual shock[/B]. The people are in an infantile and fatalistic neurosis, And everyday, they are told the answers (applied intelligence) is with some "leader", "diaspora", "foreigner", "God", anyone but themselves. It seems to be obvious that the systems in place were designed to [U]not[/U] meet the needs or wants of the community, yet time and time again, the people reach out to deter any changing of the system. It is as if [B]there is addiction to a mental childishness that just does not recognise the need to take responsibility[/B], to stop wistfulness (e go better, God dey, I am going to heaven) and get stuck into organising, making and building things.

Some of [B]this is due to cultural and personality dissonance[/B]. Every African person worldwide lives, today, in societies in which they are commercially and mentally in a dominant and hostile external cultural context yet feel that they are historically and socially of a different culture that has strengths of its own.

Two examples in Nigeria. The president is a Mooslim Hausa/Fulani/Kanuri/"Northerner" who must operate his office in English language, feels compelled to wear (occasionally) European suits (symbolic skin), operate his convert religion in Arabic (the language of the Koran) and maintain his ethnic identity in Hausa with the historical culture of its associate world-view. The CBN governor is a Christain, ibo/igbo/"Easterner" who must operate his office and convert in English language, feels very natural in European suits (symbolic skin), and operates his home in Ibo with the historical culture of its associated worldview. How many personalities are these people projecting at any one time? How many personalities and which one is the person talking or trying to do business with them dealing with? AND both of them are trying to apply solutions that other people developed to benefit other societies to resolve the complexities in Nigeria. This is not a personal attack on either. They are highly intelligent and capable people. [B]They just cannot "help it", it is what they were brought up to do[/B].

To my knowledge, the Nigerian/African socio-cultural space (no system is apparent) does not deal with the deep-seated historical and ongoing scars suffered by the collective African psyche from atrocities like Arab or European slavery; European direct and indirect mass murders to establish and maintain colonial influence, from religions and multimedia that spiritually rape and erase the cultural memory in order to externalise the good and godly, from the insecurity of family poverty and disease.

The Jesuits are accredited with a statement to wit: [I]"Give me the child and I will give you the man."[/I] [b]The education system does not meet the unique needs of the African child or society.[/b] The curriculum does appear to consider child psychology in general, and the specific developmental needs of children growing up to live in mutually-antagonistic (and hence inherently self-destructive) multi-national and multi-religious countries. Nigerians/Africans currently [U]exist[/U] in conditions where their adulthood is programmed into a state of perpetual child-like intellectual dependence. We have not consciously applied our intellect to challenge and manage our own realities. All the other factors impact thereafter.

[B]At this point in history, the spirit is broken[/B]. It is as a slave plantation writ large, Kunta Kinte has been flogged by the boss Nigger to say "Toby" when his enemy asks "what is your name?". In caricature of the historical antebellum slavery, people became so neurotic in their self-abasement that they sent their children into breeding by their enemies. Now all the children are minded to be Toby, in speech, in dress, in belief, in front of the mirror, in public, because their mothers and fathers have imprinted Kunta's scars on their memory and because no one feels bold enough, adult and responsible enough, to talk about how or why the scars got there or what to do about the scars, the floggers and the enemies. [B]Children, however, are born curious.[/B]

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