Sunday, May 04, 2008

Blueprint for Black Power - Amos N. Wilson

Amos N. Wilson: The Blueprint for Black Power

part 1
A nation within nations
Afrikan-Americans should think and act as a nation-within-nation (NWN), with all the structures of nationhood, from libraries for its memories, to schools for its education, to shops for its trade.
Nationality is about power.

eworan 1

part 2
Planning with human consciousness helps prevent being overwhelmed by events, such that one is always reacting. Consciousness determines the nature of relationships, which determine the power structure. Stop appealing to, or analysing, or trying to transform others.
Jobs. Why assume that others will have jobs for the people. European and European-American communities no longer have jobs for people and are now warehousing them in substandard schools and in prisons. Yurugu are not creating enough jobs for their own people. Rather than trying to become qualified for jobs that do not exist, people should focus on going to schools to become business owners and job creators. To see themselves as the major sources of employment and wealth. Thinking as a NWN will make people focus.

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part 3
People are creating jobs in music, advertising, real estate, spending habits, prison. And yet people are begging for jobs. It is because Afrikan consciousness is impaired that people are begging for jobs and are poor and are starving in the midst of great wealth, in form of land and minerals and powerful people. The wealth of a people are not, ultimately, in their land but in their mind, their spiritual consciousness. Look to Japan, a nation totally dependent as are Europe nations, on the mineral wealth of others. Only spiritual poverty can make a rich people think that they are poor. Others have used their minds and their cleverness to con people of their minds and their wealth. Consciousness is directly related to the type of life that one lives.
What else do Black Conservatives conserve other than the spiritual system that made the people poor in the first case.
Inter-generational planning: whatever you do, think of the effect on seven generations to come. The legacy of slavery is being enjoyed today by the same people who claim slavery was "back then" and suffered today by those who were dispossessed then.

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part 4
People have not moved beyond slavery, even in the uniform clothes, food and language of communication. What passes for 'Soul food' is not the food of people but the food of slaves.
Why do African names sound so strange to ears of the people. The purpose of the people has been to work and create wealth for yurugu people. It is time to change this slave consciousness. What kind of god do you worship? Wilson says "We are possessed by spirits and demons. We have let another peoples' spirits take possession of our minds and bodies. These cause us to hate and harm ourselves. We must exorcise these demons. We have been implanted with a spirit."

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part 5
In defending our ego, we end up protecting the structure that has destroyed our ego in the first place. Black on black violence caused by people becoming possessed by Yurugu values and so identifying themselves with Yurugu people. The Yurugu values negate Afrikan values, so the corrupted people become self-negating. One tries to destroy what one negates, and so the self-negating person seeks to destroy their own community. Wilson says "We have come to identify with those who possess us. We have come to see them as our natural selves". Self-hatred by people is the greatest defence of Yurugu people.

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part 6
Possession makes the possessed to defend the spirit that possesses.
Many people now reflect Yurugu bodies, food, hair and personalities because they have become possessed by Yurugu spirits. Multiple personality disorder results, as does schizophrenia.

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part 7
Personality of people nowadays has been trained to turn away from the memory of slavery. "We do not want to think about it, talk about it, do anything about it other than forget it". Wilson asks "Why is it that the people who pray the most, have their children filling the jails?"

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part 8
Education, as well as religion and psychosomatic drugs such as Prozac, physically changes the way the brain functions. They change the psyche and the body. They change the nature of the culture that we live in. Culture, like History and music, cannot exist outside the mind and the body. Often, culture is a way of thinking, or a conspiracy, a means by which a group of people organise to control themselves and the world, a means of organising themselves so that they can gain benefits greater than can be attained by one person. It is an instrument of power. Music is a means of implanting a possessing spirit in our bodies by that culture.

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part 9
Why is it everything people do, as they protest for freedom and independence, end up enriching the Yurugu? Because the spirit that is implanted responds only to its creator.
The Yurugu culture implants itself through vehicles such as music, film and poetry that involve people thinking or moving in rhythm with each other, and through symbols and language. One of the best ways in which cultural values are implanted is through entertainment. Wilson says "Their content of our self-destructiveness is carried in our music and poetry".
Personality is a function of society. Each individual personality is in-cultured to serve the needs of society. Who is creating the culture of your personality?

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part 10
All culture is dynamic. Do not look to 13th century African culture and try to adapt it to 21st century life. What makes a culture African is that it looks to the interests of Afrikan people.
Can we organise our skills, knowledge and though styles, content to achieve our values? If values, consciousness, personality are types of power, it is possible that others take our power and use them against us.

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part 11
Be Afrikan centred, otherwise we suffer first ethno-cide then genocide. We must develop an African history, values, sense of nationhood. Wilson says "we are a de-facto nation that is afraid to be it". We permit our resources - human and material - to be exported and used by others. Just like the countries in African continent, the Afrikan NWN is indebted to Yurugu organisations. With its installment plans, it becomes too impoverished to build communications, medical, educational or any other infrastructure. Like the African countries, the African NWN is a mono-product economy. It sells only its labour. This labour is sold into a buyers market. There is soon to be no more demand for this labour.

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part 12
We have no obligation to feed the children of other people before we feed our own. The China market is worth USD400billion. The Afrikan NWN is worth USD500billion. You must contribute to our community institutions otherwise we will not let you operate. There is no free market. No matter the resources, you must have a consciousness that transverses a communications network to reach into all your endeavours.

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