Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Orisha is omitted from geography of religion

In response to the geography of religion video [cite original]
This historical geography of religion is incomplete. Tt omits the spread of Orisha. This Afrikan spiritual religion originated in Yorubaland, western Africa, and spread to Americas, Pacific and Caribbean island-nations on the back of the slave trade. It is, arguably, the Orisha belief system that helped the enslaved maintain their human sanity through the worst horrors of that trade. Orisha values were and are syncretized with Christainity and Mohammedalism/Islam in many places, so to avoid or lessen persecution. The spirituality is reviving as heritage consciousness returns to Afrikans worldwide. It is de-facto religion in Cuba, Haiti, Dominican republic, Dahomey/Benin republic, Yoruba-Nigeria, and Bahia-Brazil.

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