Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Awake Afrikans: You have been warned.

Africa is the cornerstone of the new world order. To understand this imperialistic order, one must become familiar with the concepts of dialectic reasoning and doublespeak rhetorics. The dialectic mindset was espoused by the faustian philosopher Georg Hegel. Africans are now familiar with the doublespeak rhetoric of "we are giving Africa 'foreign aid' while actually planting seeds of perpetual weakness and fanning the flames of self-destruction.
Both concepts come together in Albert Pike's tome: Morals & Dogma. Freemasonry's organisations in USA are implicated as instrumental to success of the KKK (project of the Scottish Rite),the secessionist Confederate Army, and the Democratic (Dixiecrats) party.
Freemasonry IS the intellectual, if not the true religious, basis of culture among elites in modern Europe (including the USA) where it is the dialectic opposite of christianity, and in modern Arabia where it is the dialectic opposite of islam-mohammedanism, and in the United Nations where it is cloaks the Lucis Trust with the cloth of Humanism.

The Antipasministries reveals the Dominionism agenda of the Euro-USA empire in Africa as it is implemented through religious brain-washing, disease infestation, poverty and debt bondage, slave-plantation labour, puppet governments, dumb education, mis-information, and resurgent chaos. Unchecked by Afrikans' awakening and vigilance, this agenda may lead to a new eugenics war logic of Africa without the Afrikans.

Note the role in Africa, Caribbeans and South America of 'aid workers' and 'non-governmental organisations (NGO)' in weakening governments, destabilising countries, and acting as scouts.

The Centre for Research on Globalisation highlights A Warning to Africa: The New U.S. Imperial Grand Strategy. This military positioning across the continent is largely unreported in the news media. It is the central theatre for the Project for New American Century, the think tank based in Washington DC, USA, although their report (download) in true dialectical style does not appear to concern itself with Africa. The Antipasminitries paper shows how Euro-USA's wealth is built on the back of Africa's poverty.

See also:
wake up America
Secret Societies

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