Saturday, August 04, 2007

Blacks are faster?

This in response to an article So black runners are naturally faster, wrong in the Times of London of Abameta, 04 Ogun 2007.

The historical myth of Afrikan genetic inferiority is used to justify racism / white supremacy, apartheid / segregation, colonialism and, now "helping" Afrika. Hitler's Europe thought so until Jesse Owens proved otherwise in Berlin 1936. The scientific reality is that melanin (which makes brunettes darker than blonds) is a dominant gene marker i.e. brunettes are genetically dominant over blonds, as evident in the children of mixed hair (sub-race?) couples. Afrikans have the most melanin... The IQ test and number of scientists red herring may (not) prove that said IQ testers or scientists are genetically superior to their own parents. What passes for crime is often success in business that is not sanctioned and taxed by the state. Discrimination forces some social groups into such businesses more than other groups. History shows that no social group commits violent state-sanctioned crime, to perpetuate discrimination, as thoroughly as Europeans.

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