Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Be The Media 1: Newspaper Publishing

Be the media.

Newspaper publishing with the Campsite open source software

Step 1:Requirements:
Campware newspaper publishing software. Available, free, by download from
Operating System software. This installation uses Debian 4.0 (Etch) version of GNU-Linux
Web Server software. This installation uses the Apache 2.0 web server and PHP 5 scripting language
Database software. This installation uses Mysql 5.0 database management system (DBMS) software
Server Machine. A server machine is a high-powered computer system. This machine will need to be powered on and connected to the Internet 24/7/365, so get one with redundant power and network ports. The machine should also have minimum of 3GHz, 2GB HDD.
Root access. The root is a super-administrator of this machine. You need root access in order to correctly install and configure the Campware software.
Normal User access, Once the software is configured, create normal user accounts to edit the newspaper. You need to create accounts for editor, contributor, etc

Step 2: Dependencies:
In the terminal window, run the following command [omit the \, it only indicates the command is all on the same line]
apt-get install \
libdbd-mysql-perl apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 openssl \
libmysqlclient15-dev libmysqlclient15off zlib1g-dev \
libxml2-dev libidn11-dev libcurl3 libcurl3-dev libssl-dev \
php5-mysql mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server-5.0 mysql-common \
g++ php5-gd imagemagick libwww-curl-perl libcurl4-openssl-dev

Step 3: Additional dependencies
you should enter and remember a password for Mysql root user
Test the connection to ensure it does not allow anonymous login! Enter 'mysql'
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Test the connection to ensure it allows authorised login with password. Enter 'mysql -u user -p' for local machines or 'mysql -h host -u user -p' for database hosted on remote machines. host is name of the host machine. user is the name of database user. Enter user's password at prompt.

If like me you have problems installing libcurl-devel, you may need to compile it from source.
1. Download from here
2. Unachive it using the command: run 'tar xvzf
3. Enter the curl directory and configure: run './configure' Note that the default location is "/usr/local". to change this location to your home directory, run './configure --prefix=$HOME' 'make' 'make install'

Step 4: Installation:
1. Download the latest in a directory on the server.
2. Unarchive it using the command: run 'tar xzvf '
3. Enter Campsite directory: run 'cd campsite'
4. Run './', answer the install questions.

When you run the install script, you have the option of customizing certain aspects:
Select 1 to change options.
* The default apache user/group: the administration interface scripts and template will belong to the apache user/group; when creating a new instance the script will use the default values unless instructed otherwise by the user. There may be a WARNING! on apache user and group not being "apache" but should be "www-data". Change to suit yourself.
The final configuration we use are:
APACHE_USER=www-data [apache]
APACHE_GROUP=www-data [apache]

PARSER configuration:

Resolving Common Errors
The following errors may come up:
1. Checking ADMIN_INTERFACE module dependencies...executable convert not found in /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin
ImageMagic package was not installed. Please install it.
Solution: install the imagemagick package. run '# apt-get install imagemagick'

2. Installing Campsite...The base package was installed. In order for Campsite to work you must install at least one instance.
Campsite create instance utility
There were ERRORS!!!
Unable to connect to database server.
2a. Make sure that you have installed the mysql server [we used mysql-server-5.0].
2b. Make sure to change instance base parameters in order to insert the database password.
Do you want to change the instance base parameters? (Y/N) [N]: y
- database_password: The password is needed to connect to the database server
Enter database_password value: [enter your mysql user password]

Step 5: Congratulations on successfully installing Campsite. Now to configure Apache web server.

Please configure apache server BEFORE using Campsite application; make sure
the crond daemon is running; for details read the INSTALL file and follow the instructions.

edit the "campsite-vhost.conf" file and change $SERVER_NAME to name of host server machine
# nano /usr/local/campsite/etc/campsite/campsite-vhost.conf
Change to where is your_server_address
DocumentRoot /usr/local/campsite/www/campsite/html
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/local/campsite/www/campsite/cgi-bin/
Change ServerName $SERVER_NAME to ServerName your_server_name

Include the file "campsite-vhost.conf" in the main apache configuration file.
Apache v2.X (examples given as if you've used default values for installation):

1) Copy "[instance_name]-vhost.conf" to /etc/apache2/sites-available:

# cp /usr/local/campsite/etc/campsite/campsite-vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/

2) Create a symlink from sites-available to sites-enabled:

# ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/campsite-vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

3) The campsite configuration file requires the "Actions" apache module. If the file "actions.load" is not in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled, then it's not enabled.
To check, use the following command:
# ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
To enable it, use the following command:
# ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/actions.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

4) Restart the web server:

# apache2ctl restart
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

BTW, the main Apache2 config file is at:
# nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Step 6: After configuring the apache server for Campsite enter the Campsite
administration site by starting a browser and typing in the following
URL: http://[$SERVER_NAME]/admin/ or the
URL: http//[$SERVER_ADDRESS]/admin
Fill in "admin" and "admn00" user and password respectively to log in.
You should change the password as soon as possible.

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