Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Yoruba ati Japanese
Ijiyan nla nlo ni agbala Egyptsearch.com ni pa bawo ni ede abi esin Yoruba ati Japanese se parapo.
Monday, January 21, 2008
When Sheep Call Rabid Dogs To Tend The Flock
He who the gods first make mad...
I am just about to finish reading "tHE SHOCK DOCTRINE" by Naomi Klein. Which highlights that for some 205 or so years from 1893 to now, the USA (and Europe) have expanded their markets by progressively 'shocking' domestic consumers or foreign countries. First by economic shock of destabilising the socio-econimy through free markets that loosens capital controls and democracy that ensures only compliant elites get to rule. If the markets are reluctant, then the shock of war as bombs rain down terror to free the markets. For those who further resist want to keep their land to themselves by all means or just to set an example, there is the body shock of torture and disappeared 'terrorists' .
For years now, we have been raising alarm that Africa is in a war of attrition. All the things that other people do by themselves, our people call on foreigners to come and do for them. Still we have people calling for foreign investment, foreign technical support, foreign aid, foreign tourists, etc. Perhaps they did not notice that all these foreign entities rarely travel without 'escorts' and 'field operatives'. They rarely lend without interest, never give without a trade agreement secured by collateral.
Let me guess why the 'eagle is now landing' while the 'vultures gather around'.
Privatisation and deregulation programmes in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Angola and South Africa are about to reach a higher level. Now that all the small-small governmert assets have been sold at gbanjo prices, it is the turn of the core assets: NEPA/SONANGOL may be sold to GE, NNPC may be sold to the anglo-american energy companies, and the water, telco and utilities companies may be sold to the other european multinationals. The Broederbond Afrikaners retain 80% control of SA economy and 70% of the land, as they do in Zimbabwe. Our people are fed up with squalor and suffering and dying for nothing. Previous governments have softened us up economically by allowing combination of acute fuel price hikes, inflation, unconstrained capital flight, and total-importation-among-total-unemployment to cripple local productivity. They have set examples of willingness to military violence and police brutality. Meanwhile, nothing is done to prevent people sliding off the dead-end of fundamentalist religions that call on the hopeless to beg from those who damn them the most.
When local people got too tired of the lawlessness and formed vigilante groups, some people called on the same disingenuous governments (whose complicity, incompetence or insincerity caused these crises in the first case) to deal with the 'terrorists' (academics, cultists and tribalists). The turkeys voted for christmas and youth leaders 'disappeared', were dealt with, or somehow died. Now the sheep are calling for the rabid dogs to come and tend the flock. The actors in the former mis-governments are now on the other side and are working with the multinationals and multilateral agencies of countries that open our markets while they close their borders. They want to get paid from privatising the assets that so many people gave up so much to accumulate. They expect peoples' resistance to boil over. So they have asked for (foreign) military support, to reinforce their raping and killing of us. Now, while they move the seats of government onto fortified mini-cities it is the time for you to go prepare your village, and learn the ways of the blacksmith and the bush. t is not accidental that travel into the cities and foreign countries is so problematic. Nigeria, like Iraq, may now finally unite and for all the same reasons.
I am just about to finish reading "tHE SHOCK DOCTRINE" by Naomi Klein. Which highlights that for some 205 or so years from 1893 to now, the USA (and Europe) have expanded their markets by progressively 'shocking' domestic consumers or foreign countries. First by economic shock of destabilising the socio-econimy through free markets that loosens capital controls and democracy that ensures only compliant elites get to rule. If the markets are reluctant, then the shock of war as bombs rain down terror to free the markets. For those who further resist want to keep their land to themselves by all means or just to set an example, there is the body shock of torture and disappeared 'terrorists' .
For years now, we have been raising alarm that Africa is in a war of attrition. All the things that other people do by themselves, our people call on foreigners to come and do for them. Still we have people calling for foreign investment, foreign technical support, foreign aid, foreign tourists, etc. Perhaps they did not notice that all these foreign entities rarely travel without 'escorts' and 'field operatives'. They rarely lend without interest, never give without a trade agreement secured by collateral.
Let me guess why the 'eagle is now landing' while the 'vultures gather around'.
Privatisation and deregulation programmes in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Angola and South Africa are about to reach a higher level. Now that all the small-small governmert assets have been sold at gbanjo prices, it is the turn of the core assets: NEPA/SONANGOL may be sold to GE, NNPC may be sold to the anglo-american energy companies, and the water, telco and utilities companies may be sold to the other european multinationals. The Broederbond Afrikaners retain 80% control of SA economy and 70% of the land, as they do in Zimbabwe. Our people are fed up with squalor and suffering and dying for nothing. Previous governments have softened us up economically by allowing combination of acute fuel price hikes, inflation, unconstrained capital flight, and total-importation-among-total-unemployment to cripple local productivity. They have set examples of willingness to military violence and police brutality. Meanwhile, nothing is done to prevent people sliding off the dead-end of fundamentalist religions that call on the hopeless to beg from those who damn them the most.
When local people got too tired of the lawlessness and formed vigilante groups, some people called on the same disingenuous governments (whose complicity, incompetence or insincerity caused these crises in the first case) to deal with the 'terrorists' (academics, cultists and tribalists). The turkeys voted for christmas and youth leaders 'disappeared', were dealt with, or somehow died. Now the sheep are calling for the rabid dogs to come and tend the flock. The actors in the former mis-governments are now on the other side and are working with the multinationals and multilateral agencies of countries that open our markets while they close their borders. They want to get paid from privatising the assets that so many people gave up so much to accumulate. They expect peoples' resistance to boil over. So they have asked for (foreign) military support, to reinforce their raping and killing of us. Now, while they move the seats of government onto fortified mini-cities it is the time for you to go prepare your village, and learn the ways of the blacksmith and the bush. t is not accidental that travel into the cities and foreign countries is so problematic. Nigeria, like Iraq, may now finally unite and for all the same reasons.
new world order,
Yoruba Orisha Spirituality as Egyptian Ancient Mystery Religion
Found this "History of the Yoruba 1" at a Black History section of a website that may not keep it for long, so I have stored here while I research it.
The probable site of Atlantis, a legendary site in the Atlantic Ocean were exact location of Ile-Ife, a powerful kingdom 9000 years before the birth of BOLON. Its powerful army over run the Mediterranean land. The people of Atlantis are the founder of the ancient civilization of Atlantis from which the Atlantic ocean derived its name; Yorubas called it "Okun" with "Olokun" as the Orisa that presided over that aspect of Nature. It is the teaching of occultists that the first race of Atlanteans was called Rmoahals.
The race was Mahogany Black in color about 10ft. to 12 ft.
"Ile- Ife ase n taye nibi ojumo ti n mo wa" (Ile-Ife the primordial place where the day light comes forth) is the original home of the Yorubas, civilization and culture. Did you know that Ife (Yoruba) gave the world the civilization as we know it today? For instance, "Britons received their civilization from Rome: Rome from Greece: Greece from Persia: Persia from Ghaldea: Ghaldea from Babylon: Babylonians and Hebrews from Egypt: Egypt from the Tyrrhenians and the Tyrrhenians from the ancient Ile-Ife.
Yorubas refered to themselves as "Eniyan" or Eni ti Aayan" (the Chosen Ones to bring blessing to the world). "Ifa ni dandan, eniyan ni a yan lati mu ire wa si aye."
Lamurudu or Nemrod was never mentioned in any of the Odu Ifa therefore he could not be any of the Yorubas' ancestors. Yorubas are known for paying close attention to their ancestors.
* "From Invincible World", by Justice Adewale Thomson and Lieutenant Colonel Arthur E. Powell
* "Voices of Africa" by Leo Frobenius
Author: The Curator
Ile Asa Abalaye
(A Yoruba-World Museum of Science & Culture)
Found this "History of the Yoruba 2" at a Black History website that may not keep it for long, so I have stored it here.
Decoding the History of Yoruba within the meanings of language and the symbols
One of the things that is very consistent in the History of Yoruba people and family nations has been that King Lamurudu was a powerful hunter who had several children and one of them, Odua or Oduduwa the last child, became the founding ancestor of the Yoruba people and family nations.
Our prehistory is based on oral traditions and, like all oral stories, subject to change by omission and commission -- after some thousands years of told and retold. When groups and family nations have found their niche and security within the land, independent of one another, different stories about groups' origins become more fashionable.
And the advent of colonialists did not help our history. It was like the 'sermon on the mount' -- "Give ye not that which is sacred to the dog, neither cast your pearl before the swine, for the swine would trample them under their feet and the dog would turn and rend you." For some thousands of years we have given our history to alien powers; as we use their expertise and their language to interpret and write about who we were and are.
The situation was made more complicated as colonialists (another alien powers) moved in and assigned different alphabets to the spoken words of similar groups within group.
For example: Some groups were assigned the letter C, some got Z and another got S -- for similar sounds. In one similar sound, some groups were assigned Ch, or Sh, or, even S. Some group received the K and others received the Q for similar sound, and so on and so on. Each group accepted its alien alphabets without reexamination and change. Furthermore, isolation of groups from each other led to different pronunciations of words and their uses took new, but related, meanings.
Please allow me to digress a moment. I went to see a Ghanian colleague in Richardson by Dallas in Texas. He and I went out for a couple of hours and, upon return, his wife welcomed us back home with the word that sounded like Yoruba "eku aabo,"which means "welcome" in Yoruba. But I was wrong. She was speaking her Ghana language when she said "akwaaba," which means "welcome." Another group in Ghana spells the same word "aquaaba."Our languages and symbols, highly codified by our ancestors in order to promote survival, could be very useful in determining our true history.
We must look at prehistory and other available references from ancient times related to oral prehistory and our cultural symbols to correct the mistakes in written history.
Last year I wrote: "The Yoruba language is excellent in what is called "euphony." Euphony is a method by which one makes a phonetic change to make a word or phrase more pleasant to hear or pronounce. For example, in Yoruba, "li" or "ni" can interchange. Some Yoruba ethnic can say "ni ana" or "li ana" which means "as of yesterday." "Ni oni" or "li oni" which means "as of today." For the sake of euphony, both phrases become "lana" and "loni" respectively. Now, let us apply the same to Nimrod, Nam'Ur-ud and the father of O'dua -- Lamurudu.
First, take out all vowels in each name. Nimrod will become NMRD, Nam'Ur-ud will become NMRD. For the sake of euphony, replace the "L" in Lamurudu with N and you have NMRD. Lamurudu was the beginning of ena; the inversion or change of letters, words, syllables or sentences in order that the sense is disguised. Lamurudu is thus concealed.
It has now become an instinctual response for the Yoruba to trigger the "u" sense upon contact with Arabic names, which have their root in Aramaic, the language of the Canaanites. Ask yourself this question: How did the Greek come to have the "Staff of Orion" and the Yoruba also have the "Opa Oranyan?" Orion and Oranyan are the same but utter confusion.
But our elders would exaggerate some words. Oranyan (Orion) became Oranmiyan -- the same utter confusion. The Greek and the Hebrew borrowed a lot from their Canaanite masters from prehistory. The art of writing came from the Canaanites. The Hebrew, the Arabic and the Greek borrowed from the Canaanite. Some older dictionaries would let you know that.
But modern dictionaries have begun to omit the Canaanite as first in writing. And that is purposeful. For example, the letter "O" is used by the Canaanite to mean "end or completion." It is "omega" in Greek which means "end." The word "dua" is Aramaic/Arabic for "prayer" or "supplicate before God." In Arabic "Ya" is "O." Therefore if you named your child "Ya'dua" and I named my child "O'dua," we are both thanking God for answering our prayers for giving us the child we want.
The name is usually given to the expected last born son. In modern Yoruba, a'dua has acquired the letter "r" to become "adura. "Following the deluge, after a few thousand years with the kingdom under water and under deserts, other people, including the Hebrew, invaded with confidence to take over the land gradually because the great king was gone. The Canaanites scattered under different names to hide because of persecution, genocide, splinter groups and within group fighting. One group became Yoruba, which was 'Yerubbaal' -- the 'People of Baal'. Baal was a monotheistic God.
With new names for the one and only God, the word 'Baal' was absorbed from the Canaanite into Hebrew to mean 'lord or master of the house' and it is the same as 'baale' in Yoruba. The people further changed the identity of Baal to Shango.
Please make the effort to go to a good museum where you can find the drawing of the Canaanite God Baal and compare it with any statue of Shango. And for that matter, we should compare the sculptures and arts of the Canaanites (Phoenicians) with that of the Yoruba, Benin, Asante and others for similarities. And we should not allow any stolen history found in the Old Testament cause us to shy away from our prehistory. The Canaanite word "ilu" gave us Olu, Eli and Ala. The same people gave us "ob" from which Obd, Abd and Oba came. For example in the Bible, we have OBADIAH which is "servant of God." It is oxymoron when our Yoruba ministers call God "Olorun-oba." the Owner of the Heaven cannot also be called the servant. Olorun by itself is a great attribute for God. Oba in prehistory was the servant of the people appointed by the King to administer his territories -- conquered or acquired. At that time, Obas were like Governor Generals under the British rule in our present day. They were not meant to equal the status of the king.
In the same line of conversation, the deity "Obatala" in Yoruba was the 'servant of God' and God is 'Ala Ta Ala' in Islam. The time is now for our linguists, lexicologists, educators and simply ordinary persons to help update the Yoruba Dictionary to include the roots and origins of words. Our alphabets, developed by a European anthropologist, only put us further away from our origin, especially those letters that carry a dot along with them.
Take for an example, the letter 'O' as in 'imo' and 'ino'. Both words mean 'light'. But in Aramaic and Arabic, the words 'light' will be 'ur' and 'nur'. Let us declare our own Age of Enlightenment with the new millennium.
Author: M. Kayode Oladale Molake
PS: The myth was that the Opa Oranyan was the walking cane of Oranyan. No. From the vantage view of our ancestors, it was the structure of the Staff of Oranyan (Orion) in the Orion Nebulae. Opa Oranyan (Orion) contains messages that must be deciphered by you, you, you and me.
Do you know that King Nam'Ur-ud (the Light that Shines, hence Orion) was degraded by the writers of the Old Testament with the name Nimrod which has no meaning? It was like deliberately saying your name wrongly to put you down. You are told in the Bible that Nimrod (King Nam'Ur-ud -- codified LAMURUDU by our ancestors) was the greatest king-hunter, built the Tower of Babel, and the meanest human.
Do you know he vanished about 9,000 years ago and our ancestors erected a colossus statue with his face on the body of lion the king and the hunter to represent him on earth until his return?
Do you know the Sphinx was a tribute to the great King and not Pharaohs? This is the statue's ninth millennia. Don't let the "experts" mislead you.
Do you know that he word "Yoruba" is a spiritual name? Do you know that some Yoruba member-nations took political names of the Canaanite groups -- Edomites, Jebusites and so on?
Do you know you MUST develop your Third Eye in order to come into the Past, which is more tedious than entering Present and the Future? This is beyond your general science validity.
May the Spirits of our Ancestors continue to bestow upon you great favors. Ashe o.
Wish you peace and alafia
M. Kayode Oladale Molake
(email: omoodua9-at-aol-dot-com)
The probable site of Atlantis, a legendary site in the Atlantic Ocean were exact location of Ile-Ife, a powerful kingdom 9000 years before the birth of BOLON. Its powerful army over run the Mediterranean land. The people of Atlantis are the founder of the ancient civilization of Atlantis from which the Atlantic ocean derived its name; Yorubas called it "Okun" with "Olokun" as the Orisa that presided over that aspect of Nature. It is the teaching of occultists that the first race of Atlanteans was called Rmoahals.
The race was Mahogany Black in color about 10ft. to 12 ft.
"Ile- Ife ase n taye nibi ojumo ti n mo wa" (Ile-Ife the primordial place where the day light comes forth) is the original home of the Yorubas, civilization and culture. Did you know that Ife (Yoruba) gave the world the civilization as we know it today? For instance, "Britons received their civilization from Rome: Rome from Greece: Greece from Persia: Persia from Ghaldea: Ghaldea from Babylon: Babylonians and Hebrews from Egypt: Egypt from the Tyrrhenians and the Tyrrhenians from the ancient Ile-Ife.
Yorubas refered to themselves as "Eniyan" or Eni ti Aayan" (the Chosen Ones to bring blessing to the world). "Ifa ni dandan, eniyan ni a yan lati mu ire wa si aye."
Lamurudu or Nemrod was never mentioned in any of the Odu Ifa therefore he could not be any of the Yorubas' ancestors. Yorubas are known for paying close attention to their ancestors.
* "From Invincible World", by Justice Adewale Thomson and Lieutenant Colonel Arthur E. Powell
* "Voices of Africa" by Leo Frobenius
Author: The Curator
Ile Asa Abalaye
(A Yoruba-World Museum of Science & Culture)
Found this "History of the Yoruba 2" at a Black History website that may not keep it for long, so I have stored it here.
Decoding the History of Yoruba within the meanings of language and the symbols
One of the things that is very consistent in the History of Yoruba people and family nations has been that King Lamurudu was a powerful hunter who had several children and one of them, Odua or Oduduwa the last child, became the founding ancestor of the Yoruba people and family nations.
Our prehistory is based on oral traditions and, like all oral stories, subject to change by omission and commission -- after some thousands years of told and retold. When groups and family nations have found their niche and security within the land, independent of one another, different stories about groups' origins become more fashionable.
And the advent of colonialists did not help our history. It was like the 'sermon on the mount' -- "Give ye not that which is sacred to the dog, neither cast your pearl before the swine, for the swine would trample them under their feet and the dog would turn and rend you." For some thousands of years we have given our history to alien powers; as we use their expertise and their language to interpret and write about who we were and are.
The situation was made more complicated as colonialists (another alien powers) moved in and assigned different alphabets to the spoken words of similar groups within group.
For example: Some groups were assigned the letter C, some got Z and another got S -- for similar sounds. In one similar sound, some groups were assigned Ch, or Sh, or, even S. Some group received the K and others received the Q for similar sound, and so on and so on. Each group accepted its alien alphabets without reexamination and change. Furthermore, isolation of groups from each other led to different pronunciations of words and their uses took new, but related, meanings.
Please allow me to digress a moment. I went to see a Ghanian colleague in Richardson by Dallas in Texas. He and I went out for a couple of hours and, upon return, his wife welcomed us back home with the word that sounded like Yoruba "eku aabo,"which means "welcome" in Yoruba. But I was wrong. She was speaking her Ghana language when she said "akwaaba," which means "welcome." Another group in Ghana spells the same word "aquaaba."Our languages and symbols, highly codified by our ancestors in order to promote survival, could be very useful in determining our true history.
We must look at prehistory and other available references from ancient times related to oral prehistory and our cultural symbols to correct the mistakes in written history.
Last year I wrote: "The Yoruba language is excellent in what is called "euphony." Euphony is a method by which one makes a phonetic change to make a word or phrase more pleasant to hear or pronounce. For example, in Yoruba, "li" or "ni" can interchange. Some Yoruba ethnic can say "ni ana" or "li ana" which means "as of yesterday." "Ni oni" or "li oni" which means "as of today." For the sake of euphony, both phrases become "lana" and "loni" respectively. Now, let us apply the same to Nimrod, Nam'Ur-ud and the father of O'dua -- Lamurudu.
First, take out all vowels in each name. Nimrod will become NMRD, Nam'Ur-ud will become NMRD. For the sake of euphony, replace the "L" in Lamurudu with N and you have NMRD. Lamurudu was the beginning of ena; the inversion or change of letters, words, syllables or sentences in order that the sense is disguised. Lamurudu is thus concealed.
It has now become an instinctual response for the Yoruba to trigger the "u" sense upon contact with Arabic names, which have their root in Aramaic, the language of the Canaanites. Ask yourself this question: How did the Greek come to have the "Staff of Orion" and the Yoruba also have the "Opa Oranyan?" Orion and Oranyan are the same but utter confusion.
But our elders would exaggerate some words. Oranyan (Orion) became Oranmiyan -- the same utter confusion. The Greek and the Hebrew borrowed a lot from their Canaanite masters from prehistory. The art of writing came from the Canaanites. The Hebrew, the Arabic and the Greek borrowed from the Canaanite. Some older dictionaries would let you know that.
But modern dictionaries have begun to omit the Canaanite as first in writing. And that is purposeful. For example, the letter "O" is used by the Canaanite to mean "end or completion." It is "omega" in Greek which means "end." The word "dua" is Aramaic/Arabic for "prayer" or "supplicate before God." In Arabic "Ya" is "O." Therefore if you named your child "Ya'dua" and I named my child "O'dua," we are both thanking God for answering our prayers for giving us the child we want.
The name is usually given to the expected last born son. In modern Yoruba, a'dua has acquired the letter "r" to become "adura. "Following the deluge, after a few thousand years with the kingdom under water and under deserts, other people, including the Hebrew, invaded with confidence to take over the land gradually because the great king was gone. The Canaanites scattered under different names to hide because of persecution, genocide, splinter groups and within group fighting. One group became Yoruba, which was 'Yerubbaal' -- the 'People of Baal'. Baal was a monotheistic God.
With new names for the one and only God, the word 'Baal' was absorbed from the Canaanite into Hebrew to mean 'lord or master of the house' and it is the same as 'baale' in Yoruba. The people further changed the identity of Baal to Shango.
Please make the effort to go to a good museum where you can find the drawing of the Canaanite God Baal and compare it with any statue of Shango. And for that matter, we should compare the sculptures and arts of the Canaanites (Phoenicians) with that of the Yoruba, Benin, Asante and others for similarities. And we should not allow any stolen history found in the Old Testament cause us to shy away from our prehistory. The Canaanite word "ilu" gave us Olu, Eli and Ala. The same people gave us "ob" from which Obd, Abd and Oba came. For example in the Bible, we have OBADIAH which is "servant of God." It is oxymoron when our Yoruba ministers call God "Olorun-oba." the Owner of the Heaven cannot also be called the servant. Olorun by itself is a great attribute for God. Oba in prehistory was the servant of the people appointed by the King to administer his territories -- conquered or acquired. At that time, Obas were like Governor Generals under the British rule in our present day. They were not meant to equal the status of the king.
In the same line of conversation, the deity "Obatala" in Yoruba was the 'servant of God' and God is 'Ala Ta Ala' in Islam. The time is now for our linguists, lexicologists, educators and simply ordinary persons to help update the Yoruba Dictionary to include the roots and origins of words. Our alphabets, developed by a European anthropologist, only put us further away from our origin, especially those letters that carry a dot along with them.
Take for an example, the letter 'O' as in 'imo' and 'ino'. Both words mean 'light'. But in Aramaic and Arabic, the words 'light' will be 'ur' and 'nur'. Let us declare our own Age of Enlightenment with the new millennium.
Author: M. Kayode Oladale Molake
PS: The myth was that the Opa Oranyan was the walking cane of Oranyan. No. From the vantage view of our ancestors, it was the structure of the Staff of Oranyan (Orion) in the Orion Nebulae. Opa Oranyan (Orion) contains messages that must be deciphered by you, you, you and me.
Do you know that King Nam'Ur-ud (the Light that Shines, hence Orion) was degraded by the writers of the Old Testament with the name Nimrod which has no meaning? It was like deliberately saying your name wrongly to put you down. You are told in the Bible that Nimrod (King Nam'Ur-ud -- codified LAMURUDU by our ancestors) was the greatest king-hunter, built the Tower of Babel, and the meanest human.
Do you know he vanished about 9,000 years ago and our ancestors erected a colossus statue with his face on the body of lion the king and the hunter to represent him on earth until his return?
Do you know the Sphinx was a tribute to the great King and not Pharaohs? This is the statue's ninth millennia. Don't let the "experts" mislead you.
Do you know that he word "Yoruba" is a spiritual name? Do you know that some Yoruba member-nations took political names of the Canaanite groups -- Edomites, Jebusites and so on?
Do you know you MUST develop your Third Eye in order to come into the Past, which is more tedious than entering Present and the Future? This is beyond your general science validity.
May the Spirits of our Ancestors continue to bestow upon you great favors. Ashe o.
Wish you peace and alafia
M. Kayode Oladale Molake
(email: omoodua9-at-aol-dot-com)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Kojoda 2008 Yoruba Calendar
Nilati takunfawa okan Kojoda 10050 (Yoruba Calendar 2008), niseni ki ete ilagbe isale
To download a copy of Kojoda 2008 Yoruba Calendar and Schedule of Festivals, follow these links:







Olodumare, a gbe wa. Ase.
To download a copy of Kojoda 2008 Yoruba Calendar and Schedule of Festivals, follow these links:
Olodumare, a gbe wa. Ase.
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