Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Protecting our people

Greetings, Again, I will let the observations and facts of others speak for themselves. However, I will start with some comments of my own.

There is a global war on people of African heritage. One of the battles in this war is the battle to be born. Thereafter come the battles to nourish well, learn wisdoms (education), contribute to wellness of African society, and attain spiritual fulfillment.

The continent of Africa is under-populated. Apart from a few cosmopolitan city-states, notably Lagos, Tshwane (Jo'burg) and Ibadan, the evidence of under-population stares us in the face whenever one travels from any one of our major cities to another. In other parts of the world, the under-populated strength of African-heritage people is a strong factor in their oppression by other communities. There are those who want this land for their own people.

We need to have more children IN ORDER to strengthen our society. We need to bring them up to look to us - their parents and elders - for their nurture, their aspirations, and their protection. We also need to make up for the centuries over which our people were selectively 'harvested' from the African continent to make up for skills shortages in Arabia, Europe and the Americas.

Let us help young people to start families while still in their 20s or 30s. There is business in helping African youth with family building and financial planning and business creation. We need to educate ourselves about the role of birth control clinics in trafficking aborted fetuses to producers of anti-aging creams and eugenicist-researchers in human genetics.

Africans in particular, and poor people all over the world, are today targeted for depopulation. Our growing NGO industry find few 'projects' attract as much benevolent grant funding and technical assistance from our international "well-wishers" as [B]population control[/B]. Did you ever consider that the NGO crowd and their anti-government bias and population control focus may be part of the same agenda?:

Full text of NSSM 200
An assessment of The NSSM 200

Note that this is OFFICIAL government policy of the United States of America USA. It was edited by Henry Kissinger, a member of the CFR. Recently, the USA state department (ministry of defense) issued a statement to the effect that Nigeria may break up by 2016. That was a statement of intent. It was not a warning. It was notification of efforts to break up Nigeria. Why? For the same reasons as Africa was partitioned, India was partitioned, and now Iraq, Sudan and Cameroon will soon be partitioned. First the foreign direct investment in Akotileta governments and NGOs whose policies and actions are specifically geared to weakening our economy and entrenching [U]chaos[/U] in our society. If that proves insufficient, there will be further chaos of sectarian (read: tribal or religious) warfare. Then will come foreign help (invasion and peace-keeping) and finally, the [U]order[/U] of partition. Again, why? Divide and conquer. By who? The elite supremacists who seek "ordo ab chao".

I have placed this material here for educational purposes. Download It. Print It. Decide for yourself and share your knowledge.

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